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Google Scholar: h-index = 10, i10-index = 10, more than 1k citations.
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Unified approach to prediction of propagation over buildings for all ranges of base station antenna height.
(IEEE Neil Shepherd Best Paper in Propagation 1993).
This paper presents theoretical results for the dependence on base station antenna height of the average received signal for mobiles at street level are presented. The results apply to residential and commercial sections of cities and to all ranges of antenna height from well above to below that of the surrounding buildings.
Paper: Unified approach to prediction of propagation over buildings for all ranges of base station antenna height
Autonomous vehicles, such as UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems), are considered a key player in the future of fast and efficient delivery of purchased products from virtual stores. This paper addresses UTM (UAS Traffic Management) with a suggested system, leveraging existing transmission line as pathways for UAS beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), between the autonomous flying device and a controlling central office.
Paper: Droneway: A Viable Initial Scenario for UTM
using Private Wireless Network for Localized BVLOS
Wind Park xSpec Coverage Project
Private Wireless Network coverage project for 64 wind turbines towers in Red Mesa, New Mexico.
Presentation: Red Mesa xSpec Coverage Project
Radio Propagation Characteristics for Line-of -Sight Microcellular and Personal Communications.
To acquire a knowledge of radio propagation characteristics in the microcellular environments for personal communications services (PCS), a comprehensive measurement program was conducted by Telesis Technologies Laboratory (TTL) in the San Francisco Bay area using three base station antenna heights of 3.2 m, 8.7 m, and 13.4 m and two frequencies at 900
MHz and 1900 MHz.
Paper: Radio Propagation Characteristics for Line-of -Sight Microcellular and Personal Communications