Pen Test Proposal and Final Report submitted, addressing a fictitious company called NBN Communication, representing a real corporation scenario.
Presented in the Master of Science in Cybersecurity program at NYU, Cyber Fellow NYU.
Paper submitted on December 13th, 2020, as part of the Information Security & Privacy CS-GY 6813 Fall 2020 course deliverable
for the Master of Science in Cybersecurity program at NYU, Cyber Fellow NYU.
Position, Navigation and Time Data Market:
Positioning, Navigation & Time (PNT) Data, with a particular focus on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
The key market segments:
Autonomous vehicle technology
Future mobile networks
More specifically:
How PNT data is used in one or more of the market segments above
Future trends in the PNT Data space in one or more of the market segments above
Future outlook (next 10 years) for the PNT Data space for one or more of the market segments above
Typical Revenue Breakdowns for Radio Access Network
How revenue for Radio Access Network (RAN) is broken down as a percentage of overall revenue, including how this is split by international and US telco players.
How revenue for Radio Access Network (RAN) is split across major US telco players.
Autonomous vehicles, such as UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems), are considered a key player in the future of fast and efficient delivery of purchased products from virtual stores. This paper addresses UTM (UAS Traffic Management) with a suggested system, leveraging existing transmission line as pathways for UAS beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), between the autonomous flying device and a controlling central office.